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An inviting, homelike setting where you can meet your baby surrounded by people who love you and providers who want to see your birth dreams come true. 


The Birth Cottage is a community based resource available to low-risk pregnant people and their families who are hoping for a peaceful, choice-centered approach to their birth. The Birth Cottage is a licensed healthcare facility per Washington State Department of Health's highest standards.

The providers that serve you specialize in natural childbirth along with waterbirth, are licensed by the State of Washington as well as the National Association of Registered Midwives.

The birth center provides a large suite to birth in with a large heated tub, air conditioning, and beautiful aesthetics. 


Licensed birth centers hold all the medical equipment to have a safe, unmedicated (natural) birth for low risk women. If you are interested in delivering at The Birth Cottage, ask your midwife if you are a good candidate, or find a midwife here!

For both non-urgent and urgent needs, St. Elizabeth Hospital is just three blocks away. 



Birth Attendants

Other than your midwife, expect to have at least one other medical professional at your birth. The Birth Cottage has on-call birth assistants that attend births in a non-intrusive way to assist the midwife and ensure safety, along with being familiar with where all of the equipment of the facility is. Expect the birth assistant to chart, prepare supplies, and be involved if there is a greater need for medical attention. 

Your midwife may also work with other assistants, such as a student, that the midwife routinely has come to births. 

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